KeyFort Cyber Defense Services

At KeyFort, we understand how crucial cyber security is for businesses of all sizes. That's why we offer comprehensive cyber security solutions to protect your valuable electronic data and business systems from external threats. Our experienced team provides effective firewall management, regular data backup, up-to-date anti-virus software, and staff training to identify and mitigate cyber threats.

KeyFort Cyber Defence offers tailored cyber security services designed specifically for SMEs. We know the importance of protecting your business from cyber threats, which is why our services are customised to meet your unique needs. Choose from our range of offerings below to find the perfect package that suits your business requirements.

What We Offer

Next Generation Anti-Virus

Our advanced anti-virus software detects and prevents malicious software, fileless attacks, and other exploits on your devices using cloud computing and AI.

Password Manager

Protect your passwords with our password manager, freeing you from the burden of remembering them all. Safely store unique and strong passwords for your important accounts.

Data Backup

Safeguard your data with regular cloud backups, ensuring that you can quickly recover in the event of a data incident like ransomware.

Patch Management

Enhance the security and functionality of your devices and software by applying regular updates to address vulnerabilities and improve performance.

Full Disk Encryption

Protect your information by making it unreadable to anyone without the decryption key, ensuring that your data remains secure.

Spam Filtering

Our spam filtering system quarantines emails from unknown sources, scanning for potential phishing attempts and malware, keeping your inbox safe.

Annual Classroom Training

Stay informed about key aspects of cyber security with our annual webinars, educating your staff members on best practices and emerging threats.

Annual Online Training

Expand your knowledge and enhance interaction with our classroom training sessions, specifically designed to cater to your organisation's requirements.

KeyFort Cyber Defence Services

Service Silver Gold Platinum Enterprise
Comprehensive Anti-Virus
Password Manager / MFA
Full Disk Encryption
Spam Filtering
Data Backup
Patch Management
Annual Online Training ££ ££
Support Silver Gold Platinum Enterprise
Email Support
Phone Support - 9am - 5pm ££ ££
Phone Support - 24/7 ££ ££ ££

Ready to take the next step in fortifying your business against cyber threats?

Get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and determine the perfect cyber security services for your organisation.

Simply use the Contact form below or call us on 0844 801 4580 to speak to our team of experts. We're here to provide the guidance and support you need!
